Bed & Breakfast (2024)

When workaholic Sarah astonishes herself by quitting her job, she has no idea what to do next. She lets herself be talked into looking after her aunt’s Bed & Breakfast, though with considerable reluctance. Up until now, her life has consisted of working overtime, takeaway meals and Uber rides. Among the chickens and vegetable gardens in a country village, whatever will this city girl do? When Sarah encounters not just one but two potential suitors, both the B&B and her heart are wide open to love. Forced to choose between the two men, who differ in just about every way, Sarah gradually discovers there are other choices she needs to make.

GENRE: Comedy, Feel good, Romance, Romantic comedy
CAST: Sanne Langellar, Jelka van Houten, Liz Snoyink, Oscar Aerts, Mingus Dagelet
DIRECTOR: Ruud Schuurman

Sold to:

  • The Netherlands
  • Belgium - Dutch speaking
  • Luxembourg - Dutch speaking


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